At first I had no idea what it was or how to explain it to
myself. I was occasionally frightened by the experience of sleep paralysis and
found techniques to stop it such as turning my head sideways.
The furthest memories of my lucid dreams are easy for me to
recall since they were reoccurring. I would start by becoming paralysed and feeling
an intense all over body vibrating buzz that was warm and blissful. I would
then have the sensation of sinking deep into darkness where a lucid dream
experience would unfold. I would plunge into a large room filled with chairs, I
would then fly through the legs of many of these chairs and then everything
would suddenly stop with just a single image of a sheep and then the sound of
the sheep bleating. Beyond this could
have been anything from a further in depth lucid experience to a regular dream
adventure. I had this reoccurring dream for many years. It was my gateway into
lucid dreaming.
Over the years, the reoccurring dream eventually disappeared.
I still had the buzzing sensation and I knew that this meant it was time for a
dream and would let it happen.
When I moved out of home and back in to the city, I had some
difficulty adjusting. The buzzing no longer meant I would automatically plunge
into dreaming. I would stay a while in the paralysed buzzing state. This is
where I started exploring Sleep paralysis. I was indeed very frightened at
times since I could not move and had worries about people breaking into my
house and attacking me. I learnt to overcome this by asking the universe for
protection. While paralysed I would simply remember to say “please let me be
safe” and I manage to calm myself down. You have to be brave, it’s like walking
through a swarm of bees, you have to maintain courage and focus otherwise you
will run screaming (wake up).
Now that I am getting older and I have become used to the
city, I find sleep paralysis very comfortable. There can be occasional times of
terror, but I just re-adjust and try again.

I have been 'enjoying' Sleep paralysis for many years now. I find it a great experience of exploration and wonder. I have reached the stage of being able to lie down and consciously 'bring-on' an episode. I have SP most nights.
Also when you move your ‘virtual’ limb though an object, your mind seems to be able to imagine what that feels like. I can move my limb through my partner’s leg and I can feel her flesh and bone. or you can push your legs through the bed and feel the roughness of the wooden slats.
Astral travel experiences can also happen at this stage when you completely leave your body. I find the constructs of the human mind fascinating!
Sleep Paralysis is certainly nothing to be afraid of. It is my belief that this is a long forgotten skill that human beings once found great happiness and insight from. A natural ability to hallucinate or trip without drugs.
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